Supporting exceptional early-career neuroscientists in New York City as they pursue innovative investigations into the brain.

Leon Levy Scholarships in Neuroscience
In 2022, the Foundation partnered with The New York Academy of Sciences to establish the Leon Levy Scholarships in Neuroscience. The Scholarships centralize and expand our support for exceptional early-career researchers, with a focus on the critical postdoctoral phase. Postdocs at any eligible institution in New York City may apply.

Leon Levy Fellowships
Established in 2009 to further Leon Levy’s interest in studies of the mind, brain, and behavior, the Leon Levy Fellowships supported exceptional young researchers as they pursued innovative investigations and advanced their careers toward independent research. In partnership with New York City’s esteemed academic and medical institutions, the Foundation has awarded 160 Leon Levy Fellowships to postdoctoral researchers, residents, and junior faculty members